Benefits of using a Ricoh RI 1000 printer

If you are looking forward to expanding the services of your printing business, then purchasing a Ricoh Ri1000 printer will be a good choice. It prints soft-touching vibrant graphics on a variety of textiles and garments. The Ricoh Ri Printer provides the user with several benefits that easily help it to stand out from its competitors. These benefits have been outlined in the following. 

The Ricoh Ri 1000 printer has quick change platens for ease and versatility of use. These quick-change magnetic platens are present in a variety of sizes and styles. The sizes can vary up to 16 × 19.6 inches, thereby providing the user with a wide range of print options. The magnetic platens allow the user to change the platens within a snap with almost no downtime. The presence of dressable platen designs allows easier loading of garments and allows garments to lay flat for better accuracy and prevention of ink bleed. Secondly, the printers have a walk-up ready feature as well as automated maintenance. This refers to the Intelligent auto-cleaning system within the printers along with the continuous monitoring of air level, dampers, and ink supply. As a result the Ricoh Ri 1000 printer always stays in an active state and provides a perfect print whenever you are using it. Next, the printer also has a Built-In Operation Guide that consists of Smart Alerts. This makes the prospect of maintenance even easier. The interactive operation guide of the printers can be accessed through the 7" spacious touchscreen display and the smart alerts remind you to do routine manual maintenance checks. 

The Ricoh Ri 1000 printers are very fast. The printer takes less than 28 seconds to print full-color 10-inch × 8-inch graphics over some light clothes. The printer has also shown time-proven reliability and quality. It offers reliable industrial-strength steel construction and also provides time-proven mechanisms. With Ricoh Ri1000, you can enjoy industry-leading dependable functionality with high-performance Ricoh-built print heads and print engines.  Next, the printers provide vibrant, eye-popping sharp images. They have a minimum 3pL ink drop size, high accuracy table, carriage, precise adjustments of table heights as well as dressable platens that provide high resolution, beautifully crisp 1200 × 1200 dpi images. The Ricoh Ri1000 provides such high performance at a comparatively low price. This makes it stand out from the other printers in the market. 
