How UV DTF Printers Are Changing the Face of Custom Printing?

Direct-to-film (DTF) printing now employs a new technology known as ultra-violet (UV) printing. This process uses UV-cured inks that dry fast. A specialized UV DTF printer is utilized for customizing garments. This technology yields significantly better results compared to traditional methods. The use of UV-cured inks enhances both color vibrancy and sharpness.

What is DTF UV Printing?

Direct-to-film (DTF) printing is already a popular technique for garment printing. The use of UV-cured inks enhances its effectiveness even further. The process remains the same, but instead of regular water-based inks, UV-cured ink solutions are used. This slight change in ink significantly improves the results, elevating them from good to exceptional.

Key Benefits of DTF UV Printing

1. Unlimited Compatibility

The latest DTF UV printing technology comes with amazing compatibility. You can print any substrate, including fabrics, leather, and gift items. It is even suitable for printing industrial labels. With this technology, you can expand your services to all types of garments, personalized gifts, branding items, and industrial products. It can help boost your business in other areas.

2. Exceptional Print Quality

The UV-curable ink assures high color accuracy and consistency. The results achieved with DTF UV printing are always sharp and high-definition. When sprayed with DTF powder, the inks become more powerful. Their adhesion increases manifold and so is their longevity. It is called exceptional print quality and it is only UV printing technology that can provide a magical effect.

3. Durability and Longevity

DTF UV printing is an amazing technology. The UV prints have superior longevity compared to non-UV prints. In other words, the UV prints show no sign of exhaustion such as peeling, cracking, or fading, even after coming into contact with chemical-rich detergents and environmental aggressors. They remain vibrant even after rough handling. Such durability is hard to find in other prints.

4. Cost-Effective Production

The biggest advantage of DTF UV printing is it requires minimal setup. All you need to start printing garments is a quality printing machine, UV-cured inks, PET films, and an adhesive powder. You can rest assured that no material will go to waste. Faster production speed and zero wastage make the process cost-effective.  

5. No Pre-Treatment Required

DTF printing doesn’t require any pre-treatment other than DTF powder curing. Only the design is cured with a specific adhesive powder before transfer. The powder strengthens the color adhesion and increases the durability and quality of prints.
